Don't Weigh Me Down: Performance Matters


Virtualization is the future of today’s BYOD market. Virtualization introduces separated multi-personas to represent one’s business and personal contexts. But the good ol’ virtualization - the one we already know from servers and desktops - can be a double-edged sword that sacrifices performance to provide the needed separation. Traditional virtualization is just too heavy-weight and resource-consuming to deliver acceptable performance on mobile devices.

However, the ability to run at native speed and provide genuine look-and-feel is paramount to user satisfaction. The solution is to go on a diet with Lightweight Virtualization. Here is why:

Performance: Traditional virtualization incurs high performance overhead, which takes away precious cycles from users’ applications and results in longer think-times, visible hiccups and poor user experience. Our lightweight virtualization does not produce any measurable load compared to a stock device. We don’t weigh down the device.

Graphics: Traditional virtualization adds indirection to commodity graphics accelerators (GPU), which degrades graphics performance and results in slow graphics and lagging GUI response. Our lightweight virtualization allows direct access to the graphics hardware, delivering 100% graphics performance to the user in 2D and 3D graphics. We don’t weigh down the graphics.

Memory: Traditional virtualization uses full-fledged operating system instances, which imposes high memory taxation and results in less memory available for users’ applications, and even sluggish response when memory becomes scarce. Our lightweight virtualization has minimal memory footprint and is optimized to further reduce memory use to maximize the amount of memory available for the users. We don’t weigh down the memory.

Battery: Traditional virtualization, because of the above, provokes higher power consumption than the native system, resulting in reduced battery life and eventually dissatisfaction in users. Our lightweight virtualization incurs only negligible overhead and can deliver battery life comparable to a stock device, lasting as long as the stock device. We don’t weigh down the battery.

Scalability: Traditional virtualization is unable to scale to more than two personas because it is too heavy-weight. Our lightweight virtualization is thin and flexible enough that it can scale to allow multiple personas to co-exist concurrently. We already tested five such personas on the Nexus-S phone. We don’t weigh down the flexibility.

Lightweight virtualization is the optimal alternative for companies who wish to accommodate their employees’ devices while maintaining employee productivity and ensuring the device’s quality performance. So go light on your BYOD.  Your workers will thank you.